poppy birds

Monday, April 2, 2012

Pregnancy and the not so fun stuff

** I am complaining a little But also grateful to have the opportunity to have another child. **

So being pregnant is super fun up to this point... Not really! The only good parts about the uncomfortable down right not fun part of being sick is
- knowing my sweet husband expresses his concern for my comfort and really does just about everything with Garrett and around the house. Thank you Jordan!
- Garrett giving me daily humor and who also asks me everyday right when he gets up ' mom you sick?' 'Mom you feel good today?' and my favorite 'mom you spit in the toilet?' he's such a sweet boy and shares his favorite toy of the day with me, and is willing to go get anything I might need. Such a smart and caring kiddo! Love him more everyday!

Now for the not so fun stuff:
- early to bed and early to rise:
Can't stay up because I get sick and super worn out, and can't sleep in anymore for whatever reason. I'm up before 8 pretty much every day. Could be a good thing except for the next point...
- no motivation to do anything including getting ready for the day... This should be an easy task and yet takes so much energy just to complete.
- spitting in the toilet and nausea... Helps with the no motivation cause I just feel like crap. Also my body doesn't like it... The sweet medication worked last time but for whatever reason will not work this time... Boo!
- food aversions and strong smells... Aka the super sniffer! I can smell it all. I like to think of myself as my brother Jason who can go into Walmart and as we are trying to find the popcorn, he sniffs the air and proceeds to tell us it's 2 aisles over. And BAM, There it is!
Oh yeah I can now do that! It a curse really because there are some things that just don't smell good at all! There there's the food cravings: ice cream, sweet stuff, certain salad dressings, beef, and cereal at night! Now this is huge because I'm not a fan of cereal anyway but to have breakfast foods at night is like breaking a cardinal rule! You just don't do it!! ( which leads me to believe this child has some of jordan's brains) Then the food aversions: no pb&j, juiced veggies of any kind!( just for Ryan), no dr pepper for a month( which is like my personal diet coke), chicken, and pretty much anything I cook from scratch. Really most food in general!
I think I have finally gotten over the hump but today I had a relapse day, which was not so fun... Hence the venting.
However I am getting excited and wishing I knew what we are having already, and even feeling it kick. But alas it will be at least a couple weeks before either of those happen.
Excited to add to the family and know Garrett will be an awesome big brother!

1 comment:

  1. I totally hear ya about pregnancy annoyances. Yet what a great opportunity we have. Garrett and Jordan are so sweet! We need to get together SOON before I have this baby! Call me when you read this and we will work something out!
