poppy birds

Friday, May 27, 2011

New Toys and Easter...

The first Easter Garrett was interested in what he was getting. However, he was more interested in mom and dad's basket. Dad got some shirts while mom got the Harry Potter movie set.

The eggs and candy were also very interesting...

Thanks to Dutch Belnap for the awesome motorcycle that he built! Garrett loves to ride it!
He even moves the 'throttle'.

Jordan even wanted to try it out!

Garrett eventually wanted to take his rubber duck for a ride. (it's his favorite toy)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Garrett: 1 year old

I know it's been ages since I put some pics on but it's been crazy around here. So here are some pics that we took when Garrett was about 1 year old. He's such a funny, loving, handsome guy, and makes me laugh and smile everyday!

Garrett is obsessed with hats. He's willing to share all his toys, but his hats are a different story!
He's such a sweet little guy and will give you a kiss, just about anytime you ask for one. It's probably just a phase in life, but we're taking full advantage while we can.
Grandma Linda gave him this super sweet outfit for his birthday!
I love that he looks so dashing in it!

Garrett loves to copy his dad in just about every way... so when dad tries to teach him something, he usually picks it up pretty quick. (there are somethings I wish he didn't know how to do...)
So one day, Jordan taught him how to smell the flowers on the table I had bought from the store. Pretty soon, Garrett was smelling every flowe
r he saw, even in his books! Sometimes he says, "mmm" after, and sometimes he likes his face to get tickled by them. Either way it's still one of my favorite things he does.

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Garrett also loves sunglasses! When we were over in Hawaii, Jordan and I always had our sunglasses on.
He thought they were so cool that he always asked for them when we'd get in the car. I was tired of wiping off little fingerprints that I decided he could handle his own! He loves them and wears them around the house for hours! So Cute!

Words Garrett could say by age 1:
yum, tub tub, duck, crab, ball, hello, Jack (the dog), papa, cheese, apple,
rock rock (rocking chair), hat, me me (hold me, pick me up, ect),
mom, dad, mama (grandma), Ryan, baba, oooo, no no (mom says this A LOT),
water, stinky, two, ah oh, vroom, sighs, sniffs and hums: thank you.

Able to sign:
all done, more, please, and lotion

Here are a few from when he was 2 months old. I finally got the copyright CD! I can't believe how much he's grown and changed!

This little face still cracks me up! I just love the one eyebrow look!!!