poppy birds

Monday, October 14, 2013


It's the middle of October.... Just put up the 5 Halloween decorations I love the most and can take down the fastest when we have our next house showing... Not sure what I'm going to do about Christmas... I have 5 boxes to choose from! We'll see.... 
Audrey update:
No seizures for over 2 months!!!  Yay!!! This has been awesome. I've never been happier with a normal child, nor did I ever wish for one until now :) it's amazing how fast your perspective can change.
We're headed to Cleveland next month! Finally received pre-authorization from the insurance to go ... Still waiting for pre-auth on genetic test from primary's. the Cleveland dr wants to do a PET scan, and we will also be doing another video EEG (3-5 days) :( this inevitably  means that our running seizure free count will come to a close and start at 0. A necessary evil in order to find out more clues to the puzzle I guess, but I still feel bad about it. Bonus- we've heard WAY better things about how it will go down this time. And I'm sooo glad! 
However, these last 2 months have been so nice to finally feel like we're on top of something (cause its not the house) ha ha.  Audrey has been doing great things!!! She has added words to her vocab, has a new found interest in brushing her teeth (whenever the bathroom door is open, literally), and has now taken her first unassisted steps. She will walk between jordan and I and use the toy car to walk behind unassisted. ( its garretts when he learned to walk!) Walking unassisted everywhere is around the corner!!!!! Maybe by Christmas?!?!.... Just thought that through- my poor tree and decorations. Ahh having a toddler. Audrey loves to be apart of everything, including whatever I eat, phone calls, and shopping time. She loves to look at clothes! She loves to go places and outside for anything! Winter will be hard. 
  Garrett is still doing great as usual. He still loves preschool. His teacher said he was the peacemaker last week :) at least he's that somewhere! Ha ha  no..... He does a little of that here too :) it's just  nice to hear it from someone else. He's going to be Captain America for Halloween... And the whole month of October! Seriously every day he puts it on- WAY into the super heroes right now. He's also perfecting his speaking abilities.. But until he gets them down I get some humor in the meantime... Here are a few as of late:

"Mom-we got to plug it up the light"- to light up the glow in the dark bouncy ball

"Frank and Einstein"- Frankenstein 

I've had some good laughs about these. 

House stuff is coming along, but slow... Apparently that's what happens when you do it yourself and still have a job, family, and no time. :)  we did get the kitchen granite in! Yay! Turned out how I imagined!!! A relief really... I hate when things don't turn out like how I envision them. (Also the faucet which isn't pictured. )
We also did some outlet wiring... Until we ran out of outlets. Almost had that crossed off the list. 
Jordan has been SUPER busy at work! Im ready for that to slow down, so we can see him for more that and hour or 2 a day. we all miss him, especially Audrey, who wont let him out of her sight for a min. 
I almost have Audrey's Halloween costume done too! She's a cat, and all I need to do is the ears! Pics to come later.  We're celebrating the small stuff!!!